Latest Submissions

“Neatly Broken Streets,” “While I Was Out Grocery Shopping,” and “Sabotage”

neatly broken streets first easter spent in the land of bent spoons, neatly broken streets coltrane is a lonesome memory in an alley down the road i…

The Shadow Men, Part 2 — Excerpt 2

Inside their room at Silversmith Hotel, John picked up the phone and dialed for room service, ordering orange juice and fresh fruit. His diet had…

“After it Rains Here,” “The Coming Spring,” and “In My Cups”

After it Rains Here After it rains here: The parking lots, the streets, They smell even worse than before. As if all the refuse and rot has been…

The Strigoi

"Strigoi in Romanian mythology are troubled spirits that are said to have risen from the grave. They are attributed with the abilities to transform…

The Bush

A cluster of trees usually ignored. The bundle in the corner of her bedroom window view. A contrast to the furrows in the Earth, the shoots of grass…

The Hours of Their Voyage

"Time with its moon-shape here, Time with its widening star circles, Time small as a pebble." ---H.D., Helen in Egypt, Leuké, Book 7, Part 4 Dramatis…

“Ode to Timbuktu,” “Classical Allusions,” and “Lightning Strikes Twice”

Ode to Timbuktu If only our youth were engrossed with Prokofiev and Buddhism, as were Ezra Pound and his pals back in the day; if only the young…

The Power and the Glory

I can almost look at his face now without cringing. It still gives me the chills when I see the dead man staring up at me from the photograph. Why I…

“A Walk in Life,” “To E.ME.,” and “Quiet World”

A Walk in Life I am the antithesis of your life; At the antipodes of your thoughts I lie. Now, masked in my loneliness I do hide, And I dread the…

A Story About Nothing

When Rick Chimmer got to work, he was a bit irritated to see that his partner for the shift was Alan Rykes. The tradeoff for a surprise night shift…