Latest Submissions

COVID Vaccine Fight

The connoisseurs, the smart ones of the big laboratories, neither to affirm nor to deny dare to say that this or that vaccine is the best and…

The Story of It, Part 2

I’m going off on a tangent again...let’s see, where was I? Who I am. Or rather, who I was. Right. Well, let’s go back to when I was 14 and became…

“The Ballad of Frankie,” “Oasis,” “Vultures,” and “A Morning in June”

The Ballad of Frankie I can tell you what I know and what I don’t know. I couldn’t see inside his head so nothing going on in there was ever going to…

Brotherly Love, Part 2

The therapist was located above a bike repair shop in a strip mall. With the fee he was charging, I would’ve expected him to be in a high rise…

Guttersnipe and Masculinity Amidst Madness Audiobook Out Now: Buy for Up to 40% Off This Weekend Only

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 23rd book: Guttersnipe by Jay Black. Guttersnipe is a novel examining multiculturalism,…

Show Me Your Love

“You still haven’t told me where we are going yet.” The panic in her voice was rising, but Ty could hear that she was still trying to keep things…

Guttersnipe, Chapter 2: Lucky Day

Jangling bells and the unmistakable dank odour common to most Asian-owned corner stores met Richter’s entry. “All wet!” came the shopkeeper’s sharp…


Derek begins to scan the cameras at various intersections across town. Traffic is backed up where it is always backed up. That can’t be helped, short…

So Speaks Earth

Humankind, your name is Abomination! You are a rampaging cancer leaving wounds and pustulent chancres wherever you set foot. You eat into my skin…

Into the Forest

It was the very last straw, the very last nerve. First, Angie had woke up the baby at 5:00 AM; her mother had spent a sleepless night getting up…