Latest Submissions

“My Neighborhood Pawnshop,” “The Courage of the Ne’er-Do-Well,” and “Thrift and Frugality (or Cooking for Oneself)”

My Neighborhood Pawnshop The pawnshop in my neighborhood had not been there very long. That was in fact how I noticed it--- a new store in a strip…

A Cold Place

Platform heels strike out a slow, steady beat on a city sidewalk. Gold chains and platinum jewelry glow in the streetlights adorning a savage…

“Concubine” and “Sandcastles”

Concubine When you're with me, I feel as though you have shrunk from a dutiful husband to a romantic lad. You sleep on clean bedsheets, the washing…

6 to 6: Don’t Die Before Your Mother

Outside the hotel, two little old ladies climbed into the back seat of my cab and felt the air conditioner. “2212 North Inn Road,” one of them said.…

Remembrances from France

I recently completed a two-week journey through France that included visits to Normandy, Burgundy, and Paris. The following are some observations and…

439 Potter Road

In the days of Delphi, when it was known that demons lurked in sulfurous caves and that fate was a force as natural and immutable as gravity, the…

Native Land and the Wind

there was a bonhomous-lugubrious forestal fairy of gloss named the winged-tender homelike-butterfly as well as a flimsy eolian wind like Icarus they…

Memoirs of an Execution; or, the Night Napalm Death Chickened Out

He did it. He killed my fucking ear. Right there where I was hiding in the garage. The house belonged to the neighbor who was never home, the ghost…

The Dreadful Importance of Being Honest (with Ourselves)

Albert Einstein once joked, “A good scientist should be able to explain the law of physics to a waitress.” Einstein concurred, “If you can’t divulge…

Wavelength, Part 1

I. London, late summer, 1970: a grey Friday evening, overcast but not raining. September the 18th, I think it was: the very night Jimi Hendrix died.…