Latest Submissions

Business as Usual

Owen sat at his computer desk in a room full of people he didn't know. A master at typing code, his fingers danced to the punk music piping through…

“Love at the End of the World,” “A Large Vestment,” “The Diner in the Black and White,” and “Writing is Easy”

Love at the End of the World Today, my stepmom sent me a text, all excited My stepbrother’s finally engaged: FINALLY And I’m sure my parents are…

Geisha in the City of Death

“Wake up, wake up, wake up,” Neena hears this machine mantra repeated, close to her ear, as someone shakes her, jostles her, but without any real…

“Dear Heptathlete,” “To an Asthmatic Son,” and “A Brief Disturbance”

Dear Heptathlete What haven’t you done, around the quarter-mile cinder track, at the pits for high and long jump, or before the field events……

Win, Part 2

Harry, returning from taking a shit in the woods, said, “What'd I miss?” He shooed away the owl, removed a buck knife from his belt loop, and sliced…

A Feminism’s Carol, Part 5: Hillary, a Changed Woman

XVIII. As Hillary wakes up after this ordeal, she's no longer the grumpy old witch she was before. She's rather happy, with a completely different…

A Feminism’s Carol, Part 4: The Spirit of Feminism Yet to Come

XII. As Hillary wakes up on the third day, she sees the most ghastly shape imaginable standing by her feet next to the bed, a sight almost as ghastly…

He Came to Sheboygan

It was December 5th in 1989 and the sixteen-day countdown to Winter Solstice had begun. Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a small German-dominated city, was…

Warrior’s Code

Thursday Alex jogged through the footpaths of Staunton Country Park at a steady pace, watching his breath fly away into the woods. After every three…

“Lost in a Strange Realm,” “New Concrete Jungle,” and “Nightmare Crawled Inside”

Lost in a Strange Realm becoming something we weren't meant to a parallel track sang in a dream to the jewels in our eyes faded dulled by fear and…