Latest Submissions


Corrine felt like she had been poisoned. She worked as a cashier at the new hardware store in town. It opened up recently, and she requested to work…

Fire with Fire, Part 1

I. Darla’s eyes shot open at the muffled shattering of glass and found themselves locked on the still-silent alarm clock at her bedside. 5:26 am. A…

“Four Horsemen at My Door,” “Beautiful Chaos,” and “Poet’s Block”

Four Horsemen at My Door At the midnight hour They rang And rang And rang Startling us From the safety of our blankets Peeking through the hole I saw…

Letters from a Heartbroken Pervert: Future

By 2075, men’s rooms will be equipped with women. There’ll be an extra stall or two where you can get your dick sucked while another guy takes a dump…

“Badlands Sunset,” “Dust and Trucking,” “Quintessential Utah,” and Other Photos

Badlands Sunset Dust and Trucking Quintessential Utah The Morning After Trees and the Infinite Visitors of the Volcano


Maxwell Hearns, the eleven-year-old son of Ed Hearns, sat outside of the funeral home. It was late March and the last bits of winter snow had finally…

“Relative to Time, Space,” “Seance for a Protagonist,” and “The Fetishes of Fallen Women”

Relative to Time, Space I have friends who act eccentrically when a pet dies. Still leave the water dish out, engage in long conversations about…

A Friend of the Church

There's a popular drug den in Manhattan called the Temple of High that was founded in the 1980’s by Rupert Monahan. Weed, pills, and women are…

“A Docklands Dawn on the Thames,” “Coffee Morning in Rome,” “Everyday Beauty of Rome,” and “Spring Amongst the Graves”

A Docklands Dawn on the Thames Coffee Morning in Rome Everyday Beauty of Rome Spring Amongst the Graves

Blood Knot, Part 4

VII. The sharp stabs of pain intermittently jabbing in and out of me through the vibrations from her machine were relentless. At first, the…