Latest Submissions

Raven’s Night

“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before; but the…

Between Two Thighs

It was in the entrance hall to the Library of the Principal Theater in Burgos, next to the coffee machine, when a young woman, whom my friend and I…


Edna was having a good day. She had cleaned the apartment, paying special attention to Cecil’s pride and joy, a 72-inch large screen television set,…

“Motifs,” “Episode 31,” and “Lost Masterpiece”

Motifs The coat and scarf appear in several scenes, a recurring motif like a silent character in the film. The camera lingers in close up on the…

Notes About Our Common Ground, Part 2

V. If men were born to be happy, they would not have to feel pain. Yet, to feel pain is to be happy is it not? But us Dostoevskians are happy when…

“The Fly and the Wild Boys,” “His Toxic Masculinity,” and “Invisible Doubt”

The Fly and the Wild Boys The fly was lonely, or suicidal, or both. Bad habits to have in my too-small apartment. It had left me in peace while I…


DEET-DEET-DEET-DEET! DEET-DEET-DEET-DEET! DEET-DEET-D- I swatted my hand in the general direction of my alarm clock, finally turning it off on the…

“Graffiti Alley” and “Our Nation”

Anxiety peels back my skin Alone in the crowds of ignorance Forced to confront the demons… life feeds me the same indigestible meal feast on what the…

Conflict in Utopia

The city of Los Verdes runs construction in patchwork patterns like a little puzzle game, sprucing up bits of road at the least opportune moments for…


I’d just opened the pack. Just tore off the cellophane to reveal 20 perfect, menthol beauties waiting for me to suck on them like it was their…