Latest Submissions


Audrey insisted on keeping the room dark. “You’re complaining about headaches, Mike. Keeping the lights in the room off and the light coming in from…

An Enchanted Moment from Bee-Like Autumn

the last autumn---bee just before epiphany beehive fulfilled? bee looking at fall in the beehive---wings and the timeless dreamed sparks meek bees as…

The Three Ages of Woman

It creeps across her legs, her trim, her ever so smooth and graceful legs just for a moment before coming to a halt on the hem of her faint blue…

“Soft Landing,” “We All Die in Silence,” and “Laughter is Never Enough”

soft landing i think i was supposed to be your soft landing an easy bounce back after a shitty divorce they obviously never told you about my demons…

Nomocanon of Mephistopheles, Part 3

Now this new liberalism, this new blood-libel is harsher, and harder to escape than bigotry. Slavs shall never be respected---but we don’t actually…

On a Wire

Aware of the consequences of the alternative, Max tried his best to remain on the tightrope. Relying on decades of experience in the art of dancing…

Trigger Finger

Last night, I propped up my laptop, the laptop I am writing this on, in my bathroom sink and put on some porn. I looked at myself in the big mirror…

Innawoods Running

In the woods. I run. I'm on cocaine. This is how the hunter-gatherer felt chasing his prey. This is how the warrior felt charging joyfully into his…

Haunted Places

I’d like to state up front that I have never sought evidence of supernatural occurrences out of any conviction such phenomena were possible, or any…

“A Long Drive in America” and Other Poems

A Long Drive in America Let's see how long you can drive in America before you get to a place you can't get out of. Let's see how many days you can…