Latest Submissions

“These Earlier Appointments,” “A Glass of Brandy,” and “All in the Tongue”

these earlier appointments i hate these earlier appointments i’m stuck in a waiting room with the damn soap operas on the faces are a little older…

Possum and Brer Rabbit, Part 3

IV. During World War I and the period immediately following it, Ezra Pound was contributing regularly to three literary journals, wrote music essays…

Revenge on a Platter, Part 4: Vengeance Is a Woman Who Savours a Nice, Full-Bodied Merlot

VII. Fingers beating out a tune on the steering wheel, the scruffy-chinned Shaggy wannabe slowed us to a stop at the side of the road. Confused, I…

The Ungoverned Tongue

Last summer, writer Alex Perez published a piece in IM-1776 called “Overdosing on the Literary Blackpill,” which essentially argues that angry,…

Confessions of a Joe Rogan Fanboy

Hi, I’m Mike and it has been 64 days since my last Joe Rogan. I’m standing here before you today, because I know you, I know where you’ve been, and I…

“Remembrance” and “Ballad”

Remembrance Damp data, streams that flood bare drives with images (still lives forever past), drop from the voids between cells, tissues soft and…

Possum and Brer Rabbit, Part 2

III. At about the time that T.S. Eliot appeared on the scene, Pound was beginning to show a wholly unexpected side of his character. This was most…

Possum and Brer Rabbit, Part 1

I. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound introduced Modernism into verse and in the process became two of the most consequential poets of the twentieth century.…

Bad Writing Takes You Home: A Review of The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias

The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias (Mulholland Books, 2022) The title on the front cover of the book is written in English. The effusive…

Revenge on a Platter, Part 3: Vengeance Is a Woman Who Loves to Indulge Her Cravings

V. Car alarm set. Keys zippered into their pocket. Satchel hanging from my hand. My curve-hugging little denim dress tugged into place. Long…