The Devil Don’t Lie

Reaming in the rectory, Father Anthony Recio thought amusedly, mentally patting himself on the back. A great title, he mused, should he leave the…

“Chiquita,” “The Best Part of Waking Up is Folger’s in Your Cup,” “It’s a Dirty Job But Somebody Has to Do It,” and “Blank”

chiquita I see everything through the prism of sex. No woman safe. No locale sacred. Least of all this hot Latina probing the produce dept. at the…

School Sucks

“Out!” Miss Keene was pissed. Robbie had told one joke too many; now he dragged his ass out into the hall, where he was to spend the remainder of…

Swim at Your Own Risk: Stephen King’s “The Raft”

Assemble a group of teenagers, isolate the youths in a remote location, and have a blade wielding maniac poach them one by one. This simple formula…