
I had an uneasy feeling watching Oprah the other day. The topic was incest and I felt kind of uncomfortable. The people on the panel seemed at ease,…

Portrait of the Artist as a Schlemiel, Part 2

Uno momento, por favor. Was the play ever published and produced? Yes and yes. No accounting for taste. A guy jerking off in a coffee shop is not my…

Portrait of the Artist as a Schlemiel, Part 1

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a writer; a writer because I was a reader. I’ll get to the writing part in a moment. First:…


I was on the way to a movie, something to get me out of my room. My TV had dropped dead again and by the afternoon I'd read all the newspapers. Then…

Gross-Breesen, Part 6

TITLE: BUCHENWALD EXT. BUCHENWALD-==NIGHT The camp is flooded with light. The truck approaches the gate, over which is written: "Recht oder Unrech…

Gross-Breesen, Part 5

DISSOLVE---FLASH FORWARD INT. LIVING ROOM Reunioners still talking. MARLENE (to Joseph) That was your proposal to Esther? JOSEPH It seemed to work.…

Gross-Breesen, Part 4

EXT. MANSION-LATER An ambulance pulls up in front of the house and a driver gets out. INT. MANSION Max, in a wheelchair, is about to exit the…

Gross-Breesen, Part 3

INT. MANSION---NIGHT Dinner is being served. The young men are served by the girls who then seat themselves and all begin to eat. DAVID Is anyone…

Gross-Breesen, Part 2

INT. OFFICE-DAY Bondy is seated in an office. On the wall behind a desk is a sign: GERMAN ZIONIST COMMITTEE. Bondy is in an increasingly heated…

Gross-Breesen, Part 1

FADE IN: TITLE: 1996. BUENOS AIRES INT. APARTMENT-DAY OTTO, elderly, but still hale and muscular, and his wife, GRETA, are bustling around packing…