“Lollipoppin’,” “In Sight,” “Eve Takes Issue,” and “Goddess Lethe”

Lollipoppin' (solve for xxx) Big girl, little girl, good girl, bad… I throw twisted signals---lollipops and lips, candy-colored mouth and…

“Hot Dish Seeks New Church Picnic,” “Plain Jane Unchained,” and “Peer Pressure, Circa 1977”

hot dish seeks new church picnic Hunger is cold, but appetite is hot--- she got hot and had to hide it. (Here’s the church…) So she made a wall to…

“She’ll Cross That Street When She Comes to It,” “On Reprobation,” and “I Wish”

She'll Cross That Street When She Comes to It Crossing bridges never figured in for her; they were always burnt before she got there, but she’s a…

“The Transgressionist,” “Girl in the Full Metal Jacket,” and “The Magician’s Assistant Throws Down on the Slut Shamers”

The Transgressionist Just before you've just about had enough of me--- poof. I'll be gone two days before you call me, three days before you call me…