July 7, 2021
The Ambush, Part 6: The Prayer Book
The asset code-named Etienne has prepared his verbal briefing---no notes, nothing on paper---and is delivering it to the senior staff of the service.…
June 30, 2021
The Ambush, Part 5: The Escalation
The state bureau would now be taking over, in light of the assassination of a high-ranking police administrator. Considering who it was and that…
June 23, 2021
The Ambush, Part 4: The Philosophy of the Hammer
The new agent was summoned, referred to by only his codename: Etienne. No one knows him. He is apparently a former freelancer who was trained outside…
June 16, 2021
The Ambush, Part 3: The Surveillance; or, the Vigil Over the Dead
I had a grand production in local media (and even social media, going so far as to make a Facebook Event page for it, to which tens of people…
June 9, 2021
The Ambush, Part 2: The Colony
Dufort sat at an outdoor table at the café, directly behind his target, an informant for a rival intelligence agency but in the service of the same…
June 2, 2021
The Ambush, Part 1: The Body
A certain Kirchner was killed a few hours ago and I’m staring at what remains of his head as it spills forth from his prone body on the walk just…
May 26, 2021
Emperors, Part 3
This must’ve been almost 60 years ago, the start of it. The primary agent eventually became the director of the bureau. But then he was still a…
May 19, 2021
Emperors, Part 2
The two agents board a flight for Los Angeles, coach, only one checked bag each; the Director of National Intelligence is already applying the…
May 12, 2021
Emperors, Part 1
“Perception is real, and the truth is not.” --- Dame Imelda Marcos An agent storms across a long tiled hallway, his shoes clack-clack-clacking…
May 5, 2021
The Twilight Princes
Big Dave offed himself. I’ve only ever known two other people who died; first, my great-grandmother, a sweet and frail woman with a subtle, lilting…