October 1, 2022
The Tiger, Part 4
XI. Of the three murders I’d involved myself with, Fierro, Mannering and Helen’s brother, it was pretty clear who’d been behind two of them. Only…
September 24, 2022
The Tiger, Part 3
VII. What was her game? If she had the money, why come to me and ask me to find it? I would have considered doing it to throw me off track a motive,…
September 17, 2022
The Tiger, Part 2
III. The closest any of the names on Fierro’s list of investors came to suggesting underworld connections was Dominick Ruggiero, a fence known to…
September 10, 2022
The Tiger, Part 1
I. I stared at the little man in the Brooks Brothers suit that was just a tad too long in the sleeves despite the extra padding in the shoulders,…
August 9, 2022
The Beast
Thomas crept out of the tent that had been his home for the past two months and took a deep breath, allowing the December air, redolent with the…
July 29, 2022
The Last Escape
Aubrey turned the book over, running his finger along its spine. It seemed to be bound in leather, but there was something not quite right about it.…
June 24, 2022
Gratuity Optional
What a dump, thought Geno as he pulled the lapels of his rumpled trench coat together over a sweater and two sweatshirts. After all he had done for…
June 17, 2022
Train to Springfield
I suppose you would have said the man across from me was something of a dandy if it weren’t for the stains on the knees of his trousers and a burn…
June 10, 2022
Breaking Tuesday
Doug shut off the tractor and sat in the shadow of the plane directly above him. Interposed between him and the noonday sun, it hung there like a…
May 3, 2022
An Appointment at Hoover’s Gap
It wasn’t the fighting that bothered us as much as it was the waiting. Those long days that dragged out into weeks, and then into months, of sitting…