The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom — Chapter 4, Part 1

Jed walked behind Kara as she moved briskly through the passageway. The space was narrow, though wide enough for them to stand side by side if she…

The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom — Chapter 3

Jed woke in darkness to the hint of bent sunrays on the obscured horizon. The campfire smoldered in front of him, wisps of smoke seeping from the…

The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom — Chapter 2

Jed rapidly drew his sword as he turned in the direction of a wolf howl from somewhere beyond the vast ridgeline. Gripping the handle with one hand,…

The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom — Chapter 1

Jed Hayes wondered how there could be snow in the middle of summer as he glanced at the small pile of white beside the tree behind him. Sitting on a…

The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom — Prologue

Young Kara wept quietly as she gazed out the castle tower window at the triumphant hordes of General Grancaliga’s army marching through the capital…

Generation Z Warfare

“I got him…I GOT HIM!” The joyous cry perked Mason’s ears as he removed his VR mask and looked over at the end of the room. A group of men and woman,…

The Pilgrim’s Digress: Chapter 11

The chapel in Cambridge Hall was humid and dim. The light radiating through the stained-glass windows absorbed by the dark attire of those gathered.…


“What should we do next?” “I don’t know. I’m just so overwhelmed by it all. I mean, it’s like I’m still feeling systematically oppressed, even though…

The Pilgrim’s Digress: Chapter 10

Amos sat on a makeshift stool inside the bombed-out chapel. The scarred rock and charred wooden pews make it clear the devastation had been wrought…

The Pilgrim’s Digress: Chapter 9

Hughes entered the hallway ahead of Amos at a brisk pace, his hands extended at his sides as if awaiting something from him. However, he grew nervous…