Self-Destruction, Part 1

I. I’m terrified of showing this story to Grant. But I must. I will. II. Last night’s dream:     This time, I’m aware of the red light; stopped in…


Before you start, it is essential that you at least have the right equipment if you're to have any hope of surviving this. (Firstly, make sure you…

Whip Crack

The control room was tense, there being little trust that this thing would actually work. “All stations report green lights, sir.” The control…

Last Days and Testament

It all ends like this. It’s 10 p.m. I’m on Greene Street in SoHo; it’s starting to rain, or it’s just stopped raining. I can’t tell. I go to a…

The Story of Pec

Pec arose. The burden of the blankets didn't seem copious. Not enough for the movement of the blankets off of his body to cause his brain to respond…

Race Relations

A couple days later, my car won’t start. AutoZone tells me that my battery is bad. My boss had said that a cold front was coming, but I had ignored…

The Islands Tell of It

I paced restlessly around my apartment, not able to eat dinner or relax with a good DVD. My mind was racing, as well as my pumping heart. It was 7…

The Companion

translated by Karina Simakova I. The phone rang very quietly and seemingly reluctantly. I was surprised, but nonetheless picked up the phone.…

The Rock Shaped Like a Piano

One day, Tommy found a rock shaped like a piano. He was digging with a hand rake in the dirt of his garden. At first, the rock looked like a rock. It…

The Day I Wanted to Give Humanity a Hand

Here comes the bus at last. It eases to a stop, makes that sound as if it, too, is just plain exhausted and can’t go on another foot. The door folds…