The Shadow Men, Part 5 — Excerpt 1

“May I smoke?” John asked. The two guards eyed him. No pleasantry, total seriousness, a nervous stick in their eyes. He didn’t recognize either of…

Now and Forever

The congealed pork sat on the plate adorned with blue forget-me-nots. The irony of the little blue flowers on Lauretta's plates wasn't lost on her…

Warning Practice

The tornado siren bangs on the stale, end-of-summer humidity. The sky is so empty the blast echoes against it and empties my ears of any other sound…


Every morning when she woke up, she found she had no skin, again. There was a thin membrane holding everything in, but not really skin. She was…

Black No Sugar

It was the Russian folk music. Sure, people thought my mom was crazy, but they didn’t understand. You had to be there to understand. I was there. Dad…

The Ambush, Part 7: The Form and the Substance

I’m getting drowsy, so I dowse the lights and lie there, staring off into the slats of light cast against the walls. As I’m just about to doze off,…


Joe Barkin sat on the park bench, his hands resting on the warm wood, as a soft breeze blew over his face. His two-year-old son Mikey waddled around…

The Shadow Men, Part 4 — Excerpt 3

The rendezvous point was in the downtown district at an old automobile factory. The location had been chosen for its large space, suitable defenses,…

Art Work

The wind and the rain pinned him back against the wall until he became little more than a shadow himself. Light from the lamp opposite pulsed its way…

I Can’t Leave Without You!

The door burst open. The wind was howling and the rain was so fierce it was ricocheting off the door mat. He walked in soaking wet, water dripping on…