
The old fighters greeted each other with their customary, shoulder-bumping handshake. They went to their usual table in the corner of the raised…

The Islands Tell of It, Chapter 18: Grandpa Pete

Lately, I have been begging off my Sunday brunches at Grandpa Pete’s. I hesitated going straight to the front door. I walked over to the living room…

Ghost House

I took the boat out a couple weeks ago to see my friend Ralph on one of the islands that dot the bay. I passed a long peninsula where empty houses…


Charlie’s career hit the skids. One day, he was 28 years old, playing the teenaged older brother to a Miley Cyrus-type on a hit Disney Channel tween…

These Holy Wounds

“Have you ever experienced what real pain feels like?” I looked up from my mug of coffee. The steam had covered my face in a shallow film of water…

The Islands Tell of It, Chapter 17: Late-Night Work

When Ethan Rathbone was at his wit’s end, work helped to calm the upheaval of his recent feeling of hopelessness. The phone on his desk beeped.…

My Ex

Now I realize that it was nice of her to let me come over. At the time, I didn’t think of that at all. I thought we are old friends. She has to let…

Walking Ash

The Ferris wheel was new, but people still muttered about it. People mutter about most things that are new, especially in a small town like…

My Skeletal Remains

It’s four in the morning and the storm, as it was promised, is still giving birth to an apocalypse. I leave my window open to meditate to the croak…

Annarlathotep (Pussy Pogrom Redux)

Annarlathotep…the chattering chaos…I am the last…I will tell the sensate abomination of desolation… I can’t recall when it began exactly, one day to…