Doppelgänger Dark, Part 2

A free pass to go dark, so how dark do I go? How do I get to the dark web, is it that bad, seriously, what's there that I haven't already seen on the…

Long-Term Value

"The price of anything is the amount of life you're willing to pay for it." --- Henry David Thoreau Peter Stubbins had grown up around antique…


Beyond the cracked sidewalk and the telephone pole with layers of flyers in a rainbow of colors and the patch of dry brown grass, there stood a…

The Endless Fence

Harvey didn’t know why he was scaling the fence that bordered the amphitheater. He had an uncontrollable urge to climb and to keep stepping higher…

The Islands Tell of It, Chapter 9: Girls Talk Turkey

I met Wyla in the surgery waiting area. She must have deciphered from the wild look I had plastered on my face that I needed a stiff drink. “You…

The Columbine Pilgrim: Prologue, Part 2

My name is Tony Meander, and I’ve got Columbine on my mind. Many minutes have passed, perhaps an hour. I’m still standing here: smoking, pacing,…

Doppelgänger Dark, Part 1

This thing is total crap; bad enough that I lose my phone for a week but I have to deal with a low-end burner piece of shit, probably stolen, so…

God Has Foolishly Answered Your Prayers

That’s what it said. I was in my usual mode for walking about outside: eyes forward, determined-if-glazed expression on my face. If someone had…

The Columbine Pilgrim: Prologue, Part 1

My name is Tony Meander, and I am a Columbineoholic. Does that sound corny? Like I’m trying too hard to be clever? Aren’t all of these “-oholic”…

Birds in a Gilded Cage

The flames danced and bobbed, twin lights fighting for dominance in the darkened chamber. The great lady sat, unattended, in the corner. Mercifully…