A Job for a Ship

Despite the big AIs, the god machine and the mother, JAMBI and Mithene, and the massive, efficient timekeeping systems and schedules these AIs…

The Seaside Cottage

“Pretty spooky, right?” Weber did not know if Scanlan was talking about the cottage or the many empty houses staring out to sea. The two men stood on…

Date Night

Ron says he has a tragic history with women. He goes through stages of blaming himself, of going on and on about where it all went wrong. How he…

Knocking Shop

The building had a drab stairwell, always murky. There were exploitation chambers on all floors of the tenement. Inside these rooms were an array of…


My name is Amos. I live in a small town called Experiment. Experiment is located in the state of Georgia. Experiment is located in the United States…

Blue Butterflies, Part 1

I. The war ate the 14-year-olds. Such were the days, when young boys wielded swords and died on these dusts. Politicians, drunk in the revelry of…

Rejoice!, Part 2

XXIV. A taxi pulled up to the wall and stopped. Two men of indeterminate age came out of it, put a couple of photos in a shrine, lit two candles, and…

Starry Night, Hungry Night

Everyone who lives must eat. She whispered these words to herself whenever horror crept into her thoughts. The first night had been the worst. She…

100 Daddies

The man I’ve always called my father won me at a card game when I was three years old, lost me at seven, won me back at eight, lost me again. In…

Pizza in Hell

My good friend confided in me last night as we were heading home from a night of galivanting that he had discovered one of our friends to be a sex…