The Commander, Part 1

The man I am following doesn't suspect a thing. My mask is black and my sunglasses so dark you can't see my eyes. Wearing a black hoodie on a cool…

My First Week in Office

To be honest, being president of the United States was easy. I was used to ordering people around. For example, when I lived with my mother, I would…

Happy Coexistence

The house is at first floor right A. Here lives a married couple with her two children. One older, and the other tiny. The flat has an entrance hall,…

Triumph of the Spirit

From the Early 20th Century Correspondence between Grange Torse and Henrietta Pommelhorse “I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans…”…


My guess is that Beatrix Potter never read Nietzsche, but it’s just a guess. Perhaps she read and even mastered him. Perhaps, having mastered…

Blood Poppy, Chapter 2: Pub 10-33

Downtown Eastside, Vancouver: 2008 Poppy stood silent, in the early evening shadow cast by Victory Square’s monolithic war memorial cenotaph. THEIR…

Thomas Jefferson’s Prostate

I woke up and rushed to the bathroom to take a leak, always a matter of great urgency upon awakening these days. I don’t know why Thomas Jefferson’s…

Zone Out

Two boys met in Mariam Elementary School. They were troubled boys who took things very seriously, so every bruise or insult or naïve misunderstanding…

Blood Poppy, Chapter 1: ’88

Danny let go of his mother’s hand and broke into a brief sidewalk sprint, as five-year-olds will do. He returned smiles from shopkeepers who opened…


Mom left the house as she always did when he was raging. She didn’t come back for what seemed like hours, maybe longer, maybe less. I hovered in my…