It’s Not Real Anymore

The man lay twitching on the grass, one leg hopelessly broken as the spokes on the bike turned in the morning breeze. The giant green pack lay…

NUTCRANKR, September 2019: From the Teat of Old Foucault

Spencer knew he had to act quickly if he hoped to complete a full gratification session before Tiny returned from the so-called yard. While Spencer’s…

The Sayings of Cinesias: A Manuscript, Part 2

And so, in the shady corner by the window, under the naked branches of a dying but still enormous old oak tree, I fabricated an author for the book.…

Here, Kitty Kitty! Part 1

I. “Dolby!” Mom calls. I am bored anyways. Spent all day stalking squirrels and chipmunks. And I am tired. Hungry, too. Buuuuut I don’t know if I…

The Shadow Man

I stare down at the target with cold detachment as a halo of blood pools around the fucker’s head. I raise the gun and fire again---the sound of the…

Revenge on a Platter, Part 5: Vengeance is a Woman Who Settles Up Her Own Tab

IX. Jax stood over my terrified sister, laughing and taunting her. “I’ve been looking for you, Rosie. Thinking about you, too.” He grabbed his crotch…

Zoe Raises the Dead

Zoe was seven when she realized she could make dead things wake up. She was in the woods behind her grandfather's house, the only part of her…

The Ally

John gets out of bed and turns on the computer. He goes to Facebook. His page Facebook profile says “BRODY WELLINGTON. Pronouns: he/she/them/they.…

Black and Blue

The old man wakes up and once again refuses to come to terms with the reality of his battered knees and gnarled fingers and perpetual bloat.…

The Sayings of Cinesias: A Manuscript, Part 1

I found the strangest book in the library today. I was browsing in the stacks, just trying to avoid going back to my apartment. It’s a cold day, and…