October 25, 2022
Other Dog Rapists
“Too close for comfort?” “That’s not it.” A ripe-red, double-winged, dizzy maple key lands in Craig’s green table condiment. Craig flinches. An…
October 20, 2022
Revenge on a Platter, Part 4: Vengeance Is a Woman Who Savours a Nice, Full-Bodied Merlot
VII. Fingers beating out a tune on the steering wheel, the scruffy-chinned Shaggy wannabe slowed us to a stop at the side of the road. Confused, I…
October 18, 2022
Confessions of a Joe Rogan Fanboy
Hi, I’m Mike and it has been 64 days since my last Joe Rogan. I’m standing here before you today, because I know you, I know where you’ve been, and I…
October 6, 2022
Revenge on a Platter, Part 3: Vengeance Is a Woman Who Loves to Indulge Her Cravings
V. Car alarm set. Keys zippered into their pocket. Satchel hanging from my hand. My curve-hugging little denim dress tugged into place. Long…
October 5, 2022
Perfect Timing
Healthy, muscular, versatile, free to travel, discretion assured: the words appeared in every one of Reinhardt’s online descriptions in selected…
October 4, 2022
My Soul Has a Weal
Two white mass murderers sit in their prison cell. One is reading a poetry journal on the bottom bunk. The other is bouncing a balled-up pair of…
October 3, 2022
The Bet, Part 2
III. Bill’s footsteps echoed off the deserted high street. A sinister tranquility magnified by the soft electronic grind of shop front CCTV cameras…
October 1, 2022
The Tiger, Part 4
XI. Of the three murders I’d involved myself with, Fierro, Mannering and Helen’s brother, it was pretty clear who’d been behind two of them. Only…
September 30, 2022
I had an uneasy feeling watching Oprah the other day. The topic was incest and I felt kind of uncomfortable. The people on the panel seemed at ease,…
September 29, 2022
Revenge on a Platter, Part 2: Vengeance is a Woman Who Plays with Her Food
III. Emerald wrap dress clinging to my curves, I smiled at ruby-red toenails peeping from my matching four-inch Louboutins. Long, jade pendant hung…