“The Big Blue Sky,” “New Day Dawn,” “El Amanecer,” and Other Poems

The Big Blue Sky The mid-afternoon dazzled, I dashing uphill to meet my friend, Breathlessly flashing my sparkling new peter-pan collar. Lovely,…

The Shakespearian Sonnet About My Dog

You hound are a starry night over fog, fallen in love with the Epiphany. The moon may be mine! Told the moony dog. With you tender garden---is so…

“Optics,” “Syllogism 5,” “In Which I Kick the Tires,” and Other Poems

Optics Though it's retroactive Christmas pugilism here it's generosity in other places so forgive the substitute stepfather as he knows not what to…

The Dream: Excerpt from The Iliad by Homer

translated by J.M. Wilcox Now all the other gods and men,---hippokorustic equiornate---horse-powered car-fighters, were dream-endrowned, pounding…

“Your Inauguration Tote Bag,” “Embattled,” “Embattled, Part II,” and Other Poems

Your Inauguration Tote Bag Your inaugural tote bag, sir. I had just gone through three levels of security to be allowed into the stands so I could…

“Ten Different Sketches of the Same Shrunken Head,” “Dunsinane 19,” “Victims,” and Other Poems

Ten Different Sketches of the Same Shrunken Head I. Stiff-bristled brushes stuffed in a vase. II. Pocket lining from a chimney sweep’s coat. III. A…

“Self-Surviving Strategy: Were I Ever Absent,” “I = Human: A Bilinguacultural Poem,” and “Seven East Idioms Reviewed”

Self-Surviving Strategy: Were I Ever Absent             All human d stances…

“Ode on a Photo Taken Somewhere Around December 2008,” “Twenty-Something of July, 2013,” “Jasmine,” and Other Poems

Ode on a Photo Taken Somewhere Around December 2008 A moment frozen in eternity, A picture I’m sure no one remembers But me. A frame, a slice, a…

Happy 2021 with My Girlfriend of 320 Kilos

Poet, my friend: I have a girlfriend of more than 320 kilos And I am the happiest in the world. She is beautiful like her alone And she has a very…

Three Autobiographical Poems

Apartment Near the BQE (After Edward Hopper) Light coffee, mostly cream Sun slanting through the screen I fell asleep again Just after you had left…