“My Neighborhood Pawnshop,” “The Courage of the Ne’er-Do-Well,” and “Thrift and Frugality (or Cooking for Oneself)”

My Neighborhood Pawnshop The pawnshop in my neighborhood had not been there very long. That was in fact how I noticed it--- a new store in a strip…

“Concubine” and “Sandcastles”

Concubine When you're with me, I feel as though you have shrunk from a dutiful husband to a romantic lad. You sleep on clean bedsheets, the washing…

Native Land and the Wind

there was a bonhomous-lugubrious forestal fairy of gloss named the winged-tender homelike-butterfly as well as a flimsy eolian wind like Icarus they…

“Hank Lazer: Quick Prognostications,” “Barry McKinnon: Deep Throat Local Radio Time Signalling,” “bpNichol: These Are My Words,” and Other Poems

Hank Lazer: Quick Prognostications flip witness hip gnosis diminished homage flesh muse Days “23” --- Hank Lazer* (with nods to M. Mann and the…


The city is here: Cars, People, And electricity. Lights that can make you blind Clubs that can make you happy And drunk It’s here The city protects…

“Heaven Help Us,” “No Longer Fit to Print,” “In Rehearsal,” and “French Revolution”

Heaven Help Us I tried on a kimono and danced all night in the summer parade. Problem is, costumes are not for me. I never wear robes and I’ve never…

“Garden of Gravestones,” “Transition Mission,” and “Solitude”

Garden of Gravestones through amber waves of grain regime snakes slither belly-grinding the sweated wheat farmers procure for flakes of slime soaked…

The Virgin Chinee: or, Truthful Language from James the Aryan Paragon

For I now wish to speak And my language is plain That for ways of the geek Sex dimorphism plain The virgin Chinee is a model Which the same I would…

The Dog and I as Well as Some Sounds

one dreamy spring day I looked into brilliant eyes of my pal-dog into his tender ocular dominance of eternity so that my gentle poem was in the soul…

“Mall of America,” “Literary Property,” “Where There’s Smoke,” and Other Poems

Mall of America In America, even the old are expected to work. No rest for the wicked. Even in retirement, one goes to bed exhausted. There’s no…