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Rabbits on the Grass
The half overflows, all disappears
nothing‘s sacred
a man knows me, in the crisis
nothing‘s sacred
the legs left me, let me passed
nothing‘s sacred
dreams have died, rabbits on grass
nothing‘s sacred
they misused me, let me naked
nothing‘s sacred
even as a little, for years baited
nothing‘s sacred
no way out and no one exists
nothing‘s sacred
that guilt foams, as how it vexed
nothing‘s sacred
I‘ll dry in a moment, drown in a dirt
nothing‘s sacred
to scream please, my heart will hurt
In Public
nice? good joke, it’s awkward how much of pain I’m writing off
the embodied product of total humiliation before all his small world
in viscera, so deep, strong saws are cutting, ain’t going on shifts, just going, on and on
how much pain is it willing to deny
it’s like my weakness rules the universe, it’s not ending
for god sake, how things like that can even happen to me
as if I had stood, just looking at every kick of anything, that’s how it is to watch
I am fully tottering, finally feel the blood in my limbs, wonderful
asking if I’m in a circle, if I ever lived this dread, if, for god sake, something finally stops me
to hear no, over and over, a human is annoyed, it doesn’t move even with a rat
to tears it’s far like it never was, you never care
I’ve never cared about, just watching
a tape is rewinding, it was defined, from beginning to the end itself
tight with technique, endless technology
I wish, I dunno, what does it fucking matter?
the saws will cut up my flesh, a crowd will enjoy
they’ll fill up their stomachs, devour all to the last pound
David Lenna is nothing and everything in the universe. Not in yours, of course. He has been published in The Broken City Magazine (issue 25). You can also send him regards on Twitter, where he posts some catchy—at times dark—pieces circa once per year. 21 years old, living in Prague.