Infinite Reveries

The loveliest dawn dwelleths* in the bosom.**
A mild magic word rests far below.
A balmy spark flying in the soul.
Homeland would be charmed!
I love slight journey towards stars.
I will wing*** conjuringly moonwards,
where the most reflective poem is made.
I long for dreaming angel,
who donates oneself—for your wings.
Most fervent fancy**** be unfolded!
Attractive muse, that attends me.

The Marvel of the Freedom: In Patches

The vault***** opens oneself at dawn.
The calyx of an Arctic alpine forget-me-not reopens
for an enchanting glory of the sunshiny dreams,
because of the eternally august poem,
that reads lenient and benignant.******

Throughout the day:
there is up there a paradisiacal flight
of all halcyon******* seraphim,********
singing through the stoicism, eudemonia
of many celestial dreamers.

Under the sun: a rhythm in wings of butterflies.
After evenfall: the paradise closes itself.
The springtide has gone to bed in aestival********* splendor.

In addition overnight a balmy sempiternity********** sleeps as well.
Here below a sensitive firefly flies,
above so ravishing earth.
In danger owing to the raveners*********** of the night.
Indeed spared thanks to the sheen of Luther’s star.
The earth becomes a dazzling hereafter.
It remains not far from June sparks, the little fire.


* dwelleth: dwell (archaic)

** bosom: heart (archaic)

*** to wing: to fly

**** fancy: fantasy

***** vault: (poetical) sky

****** benignant: mild

******* halcyon: peaceful

******** seraphim: seraphs

********* aestival: summery

********** sempiternity: eternity

*********** ravener: bird of prey