How Do You Discipline Children?

In various countries, physical punishment of children is treated differently. According to my friend, a purebred American and U.S. citizen by the name of Bradshaw Cummings, in the United States, in some places you can’t even yell at a child, and in other regions you can flog them. Democracy! But in general, after flogging children was banned, parents began to express concern about their children’s drop in school performance. Another American complained to me about this back in 1992.

Children do not want to learn!

The same applies to children in the Scandinavian countries. In Japan, the cult of the child dominates. Adults should not tell the child the word “no!”

In the UK, famous for its high-quality education, schoolchildren were frequently flogged for being naughty, for loafing around, for skipping school and disrupting classes. And the position on this profile was “executor.” The punishment was called “execution.”

At the beginning of this century, spanking in foggy Albion was completely banned, but after a while, a wave of parental demands rose with a request to return executions because the children did not want to learn. Public opinion forced the British government to partly back down and allow the use of force against excessively mischievous children.

Vokrug Sveta (Around the World) Magazine, in its April 6, 2010 article “Legalized Flogging,” wrote that “teachers in England were allowed to use reasonable force to punish mischievous students, and in the near future, the U.K. Department of School Education will publish a guide for teachers on the use of force. It will be possible to punish students with whipping in a variety of cases: for example, when they fight, damage school property, refuse to leave the classroom, disrupt classes, or interfere with school activities. Experts believe that teachers should not be afraid to assault students when it is really necessary. In addition, if the initiative is legally consolidated, teachers will be able to use force without fear of prosecution by students and their parents.”

However, upon closer examination, the translation turned out to be inaccurate: the British were not going to return to executions, but only considered measures to protect school property and students from excessively mischievous and especially aggressive schoolchildren.

The author did not begin to specify whether British ministerial officials issued guidance on action in these cases of life or not, but we know that the British are practical people.

What Did We Do in the U.S.S.R.?

In Russia, this problem is solved in a different way. Wealthy citizens try to place their offspring in private schools; they say that in these schools, there are bunch of teachers who will hang around one student. Exhausted through constant attention, the child will not wander aimlessly through the streets in the company of his own kind. However, this is not quite true. In private schools, wards are also treated selectively. In one of his interviews, Joseph Prigozhin admitted that he wanted to pull his daughter from a private Swiss school because she was not being taught properly there. They take money and conduct lessons, but they do not test knowledge: they give excellent marks without any exams or tests. Just pay! I don’t know whether Prigozhin carried out his threat, but another case caught my attention, in a private Moscow school. Valeria and Joseph have nothing to do with him.

This is about the relationship between the boys of a private Moscow school and their teacher. One of the schoolchildren crept up at the lesson to the aforementioned teacher, wrote something obscene on the blackboard, and pulled down the teacher’s pants. The other children filmed this on their mobile phones. The video probably still lives on the Internet. We can probably agree that if this happened to us, we would vote for flogging with both hands.


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