Dummy’s Dummies, Part 4

XXIX. Vincent, with stomped-on orange fright wig and other touches that made him resemble a life-size dummy, sits on a stool facing the camera. On a…

Dummy’s Dummies, Part 3

XIX. Vincent, appearing stressed out, stands on the sidewalk in front of an elementary school. Children swarm past him onto waiting buses. Colin…

Dummy’s Dummies, Part 2

XI. Vincent sits at his workbench, his three dummies arrayed before him. He looks even more wild-eyed than before. "So you think you can take over.…

Dummy’s Dummies, Part 1

I. Vincent is a speck of a man you wouldn't easily notice. Mid-thirties, slender and slight, clean-shaven and close-cropped, he is plain of…