The Ambush, Part 10: The Changeling

The generals are now so terrified they won’t sit in on the director’s debriefing of Etienne; one was in fact so scared he fled the colony and is…

The Ambush, Part 9: Liebe + Romance

I’m fucking around at my desk again, idle, fuming that the lacerations from the one-sided gunfight aren’t enough for medical leave, entertaining the…

The Ambush, Part 8: The Ambush Predator

Etienne has hired a butcher to use his shop to conduct his interrogations, which are off to a very rough start. The first subject made his attackers…

The Ambush, Part 7: The Form and the Substance

I’m getting drowsy, so I dowse the lights and lie there, staring off into the slats of light cast against the walls. As I’m just about to doze off,…

The Ambush, Part 6: The Prayer Book

The asset code-named Etienne has prepared his verbal briefing---no notes, nothing on paper---and is delivering it to the senior staff of the service.…

The Ambush, Part 5: The Escalation

The state bureau would now be taking over, in light of the assassination of a high-ranking police administrator. Considering who it was and that…

The Ambush, Part 4: The Philosophy of the Hammer

The new agent was summoned, referred to by only his codename: Etienne. No one knows him. He is apparently a former freelancer who was trained outside…

The Ambush, Part 3: The Surveillance; or, the Vigil Over the Dead

I had a grand production in local media (and even social media, going so far as to make a Facebook Event page for it, to which tens of people…

The Ambush, Part 2: The Colony

Dufort sat at an outdoor table at the café, directly behind his target, an informant for a rival intelligence agency but in the service of the same…

The Ambush, Part 1: The Body

A certain Kirchner was killed a few hours ago and I’m staring at what remains of his head as it spills forth from his prone body on the walk just…