The Shadow Men, Part 6 — Excerpt 3

At the bottom of the elevator shaft, John carefully pulled the doors apart. With Marlon covering him, he stepped out into the passageway. “Clear,” he…

The Shadow Men, Part 6 — Excerpt 2

Alexander Shukhov stared at John Savage, wondering what thoughts now tormented his mind. Savage carefully masked his emotions, as was expected. He…

The Shadow Men, Part 6 — Excerpt 1

“You!” “Yes, sir?” “There’s a spill over on the 11th floor, northeast corner of hallway A. Get over there and clean it up, will you?” “Yes, sir!” The…

The Shadow Men, Part 5 — Excerpt 2

The captain of the National Emblem stood proudly at the head of the gangplank as the harsh wind blew violent in his face. On his right, tourists and…

The Shadow Men, Part 5 — Excerpt 1

“May I smoke?” John asked. The two guards eyed him. No pleasantry, total seriousness, a nervous stick in their eyes. He didn’t recognize either of…

The Shadow Men, Part 4 — Excerpt 3

The rendezvous point was in the downtown district at an old automobile factory. The location had been chosen for its large space, suitable defenses,…

The Shadow Men, Part 4 — Excerpt 2

Chairman Hopkins leaned back in his chair behind a large cedar desk, sipping on bourbon with reddened cheeks. John shifted in his chair. It felt…

The Shadow Men, Part 4 — Excerpt 1

John drove the Ford slowly down the rickety cobblestone street. An unlit cigarette hung out of his mouth, the bitter taste of finely ground tobacco…

The Shadow Men, Part 3 — Excerpt 2

Their fallback house stood like a lone pillar among the grove of trees that surrounded it. After seeing no signs of ambush, John drove into the…

The Shadow Men, Part 3 — Excerpt 1

September 1931 The broadcaster’s voice came through clearly from the oak brown Atwater Kent radio sitting in the corner of John’s house. Marlon had a…