The Problem with Freedom: A “Sins We Remember Fondly” Postscript

XIII. How many people, if they were given the power to instantly have anything they wanted, would quickly self-destruct? I believe it is the vast…

The Sins We Remember Fondly, Part 4

X. Many of us who have spent time in 12-step or similar programs have come across the “martyr” personality. This person’s desire to clean up…

The Sins We Remember Fondly, Part 3

VIII. I was too mentally fatigued to open my computer and work for my second (or at times, my third) job, so I simply sat in a chair and closed my…

The Sins We Remember Fondly, Part 2

IV. I believe that confidence in social situations usually stems from a lack of introspection. The more you think about any given topic, the more you…

The Sins We Remember Fondly, Part 1

I. Loneliness is quite possibly the worst emotion we can experience, especially if it becomes habitual. This is all the more true if our loneliness…