Throwing Dead Pigeons Into Oncoming Traffic Out Now: Buy it for 66% Off Through Sunday

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 46th book: Throwing Dead Pigeons Into Oncoming Traffic by Charlie Chitty. Charlie's…

Throwing Myself Into Oncoming Traffic: An Interview with Charlie Chitty

So there’s this writer named Charlie Chitty. He’s from that country where they write “color” with a “u.” We’ve been publishing his stories and poems…

Hope Springs Eternal

I wend my way through the hazy days that make up my life after it happened. And the worst part is coming to accept that. On most days, the day feels…

Deep in the Amazon Rainforest

Deep in the Amazon rainforest, above the boxes and the shelves. Are thirty million people that are called The Happy Elves. Native are they to the…

“I Cannot Be an Artist,” “Vegan,” and “Purple”

I Cannot Be an Artist I cannot be a poet, nor can I be any good. I have a much more comfortable life, than I feel most poets should. I want to die, I…

“A Life Well Lived” and “Bread and Circuses”

A Life Well Lived It’s fine. It always was, because I’m able to keep going. I can eat and breathe and I’ve taken up an interest in sewing. We had…