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A Walk in Life
I am the antithesis of your life;
At the antipodes of your thoughts I lie.
Now, masked in my loneliness I do hide,
And I dread the thought of you at my side.
Your awareness, lacking of me I meet
With naught but devotion of your memory,
And fear the loss and solitude occupied.
To you and to my decline at low tide
This discontent in life I have ascribed.
I remember only fleeting images –
Their resemblance of truths I do despise.
Thus, my hurt leaves me pining for e’er-sleep,
Wherefore I can indulge all my vain hopes
And walk with painful memories thus supplied.
To E.ME.
I see you; wild eyes not for me.
Experience in ever growing forms;
Your beauty is no liberty
Only a pain that is but mine alone.
Your life shall pass without a trace,
Without one single thought for me.
Alone I weep to your shadow,
A shadow that fits just for me.
Quiet World
Ever and more does the world grow quiet,
As the boon and the din of the pious
Leave the broken trails of those who cried forth
For some meaning on our forgotten earth.
Where we exist now leaves much for pity—
For no love here grows, quite naturally.
We cozen ourselves and sail brazenly
Headlong into our barren, frozen sea.
Nicholas Gibson is an avid logophile and bibliophile, and a keen enthusiast of the natural and scientific world. He began writing poetry and short stories in his late teens, and has engaged in this pastime his entire adult life. Amongst the poets who inspired him to write are Edgar Allen Poe, George William Russell, Christina Rossetti and Wislawa Symborska. He has a background in scientific research, natural conservation, programming and graphic design.