
Cat stole picture, just left anal raped.
Kindred suction on dried shattered.
Fingers uncurled in shaky bone table.
Blood drained squashed face questioning.
Tickled mind shot song dog.
Hung nails scooped ant creep over pickle oil eye putty.
Chest bleeds a minute long green and bucket wasted just marry her sweet no bill mounds.
Touch along flesh finger so gentle spit.
Hairs haven’t short circuited ass wipe in a make believe wonder you need verses master come. Prickle soft prickle tickle petal giggle and fluid flows out gushed from open throat severed head dripping lost soup wanted in grey slink nipple.
Solvent soggy drippy across blanket standing upright stretchy fuck me fuck me.
Nuts. Forgotten tender bottles twitted whisk fodder in people’s mid.
Joy pull media occasions regulate guild building structured funny.
See hand penis castration stump, stump many puts.
Nucleated house swash bumbled height frustration wholesome ingredient radius shit stinky.

Love in Turd

Pus filled bump.
Red bump sweaty treads cart full.
Itch skin watered eye.
My fee tourniquet doll pins rump weight hoof.
Come transition tree root pants need oval cyst little squid lullaby zit form.
Two people holding hands, between them a slit in canvas web lies.
Rub her hairy pussy against my leg.
Sweat beads long her chest.
She is motionless, forehead flat eyes grey.
Opens mouth I fall in through throat rafting on her river saliva.
I want to touch her teeth with my teeth. Click and play with her tits.
Come in my hands her stomach banjo tune ripple walls.
I squat put my fuck on my balls sack.
Her membrane monster squeegees into my rectum.
Shitted violently, but plugged.
Diaper flow hard splatter into acids pools steamy up.
Ah, gnat grows inside me, kidneys rupture in glee.
At one meat intestines, curdled in it.
Upon the anal plug pillar, I am lifted into her mouth.
I rub my semen-smeared balls on her buds.
Bowels contract over and over, but I cannot shit with her membrane creature inside me meaty good ass cavern.
Tongue undulates, rocking me babe.
Coo her creature membrane ass plug pop flops out. I rain shat and roll round.
She spits me and stomps my bod smoosh wit her foot.

Puff Muffin

Pain gutter bloated admonishment.
Urine ate instead thirsty erection.
Contained with tight wet warmth a bowl for kitten,
heavy hazy thoughts trickle in dots sought comb over trees.
Letter envelops mind crush regular.
Height ramifications hold golden chain malice guards seen abandoning posts.
Fire, dark smoke clouds horizon.
Toilet flushed with grape predatory justice.
Thong string over anus winking from bent oily water purr posing a stay in the inseminated whore tell think mountain squirt sky from guts decaying in homeless shell to war bacon on sizzling pants.
Poetic fuckwits gaping lipless mouths pale empty bloodless skin, thin gruel marrow bones, no guts to say STOP FOR FUCKING CHRIST believe in lines stripped cocaine seeing wild sprints naked feet in grass happy lucky sweep arms hold the halo gold just so close to taste leeching honey from breast jiggling free, the pussy descends and swallows the stupid twit.
Impose image death life struggle control means possible see there going forward. Lope pillows talk horny waken dreams lion yawns lamp pops all dark and runny cold.