The Shadow Men, Part 4 — Excerpt 1

John drove the Ford slowly down the rickety cobblestone street. An unlit cigarette hung out of his mouth, the bitter taste of finely ground tobacco…

The Shadow Men, Part 3 — Excerpt 2

Their fallback house stood like a lone pillar among the grove of trees that surrounded it. After seeing no signs of ambush, John drove into the…

The Shadow Men, Part 3 — Excerpt 1

September 1931 The broadcaster’s voice came through clearly from the oak brown Atwater Kent radio sitting in the corner of John’s house. Marlon had a…

The Shadow Men, Part 2 — Excerpt 4

More than two dozen men sat inside a large room at the front of a long horizontal table. They drank cups of coffee or tea in an uneasy silence as…

The Shadow Men, Part 2 — Excerpt 3

I’m alive. It was the first thought to go through John’s mind when he regained consciousness, the sound of some rag band playing on the radio. His…

The Shadow Men, Part 2 — Excerpt 2

Inside their room at Silversmith Hotel, John picked up the phone and dialed for room service, ordering orange juice and fresh fruit. His diet had…

The Shadow Men, Part 2 — Excerpt 1

January 1930 John Savage crept down the darkened hallway, one foot carefully in front of the next. Certain sections of the floor contained…

The Shadow Men, Part 1 — Excerpt 6

John threw himself onto the floor. His spare sidearm came out of his holster as he crept up to the cockpit. The door opened suddenly as a foot…

The Shadow Men, Part 1 — Excerpt 5

Alexander Shukhov stood restlessly outside the door of the Junkers, a soft wind blowing his hair back. He ignored the remains of his comrades still…

The Shadow Men, Part 1 — Excerpt 4

The telephone line was scratchy. “Hello? This is the New York Yankee Sports Bar.” “This is the Babe. I’ve got a few last-minute bets for the…