August 3, 2018
“Citysummerscape,” “Bad Name,” and “Cleaning House”
Citysummerscape Sun shower, concrete haze, umbrella dance routines, sandblasted day dreams. Rain-bowed hypodermic, needles intravenous from Mars, too…
August 2, 2018
Louche Empire
He sniffs his fingers and eyes the waiter. Our church has no bells. They call it virtue signaling, this thirst for recognition. What is this hunger?…
July 31, 2018
“Pluto Girl,” “Stars in My Eyes,” and “Diss Track in the Key of Childish Poet”
Pluto Girl Pluto Girl sings only songs without words. She lives in the far corner of space surrounded by rocks and ice. She is queen of the Unnamed.…
July 30, 2018
“Corporate Whore,” “‘I Just Get on Better with Guys!,'” “Absence of Him,” and “The Would-Be Furry”
Corporate Whore She wants a career Damn you Not attention for her legs Her bum Or Breasts Oh These assets she'd trade…
July 26, 2018
Sad and Slightly Pathetic
You stood in front of the class and I couldn’t take my eyes of you while the teacher introduced the new girl to us. Sit beside me, I hoped, but you…
July 24, 2018
“Frenemy,” “Witness,” “Border Collie,” and Other Poems
Frenemy Jesus I love, I really do, I guess I really do but I'm supposed to love my enemies, too, He said so Himself so my enemy must be Satan but…
July 23, 2018
“Congratulations,” “On Finding a 19-Year-Old Woman’s Body in a Hotel Freezer,” “Declarations of Concern,” and Other Poems
Congratulations People have been trained to turn in their neighbors. It’s the mood of the country. Call 911 if you hear a crying baby. No one can…
July 19, 2018
“Twelve Months,” “Control,” and “Exchange”
Twelve Months Twelve months of not-an-ending twelve months since the beginning of this and what I thought I was going to miss but has engrained…
July 18, 2018
“Mystery Girl,” “Context,” and “Monologue in Class”
Mystery Girl There is a girl near you. Look up. You’ll know her in an instant. She’s sitting at another table in the café, But she doesn’t see you.…
July 17, 2018
“Formulism in Ethics” and “Essay on Lust in Times of Crisis”
Formulism in Ethics First, sharply distinguish between inner and outer perception--- just take the edge and fold it on itself, you know, changing…