by Javid Mohamadi

The dictator had a nightmare
He felt kindness was necessary too….
He ordered the chains of people’s feet to get a little looser!

The dictator was angry
He commanded a number of opponents to get beheaded

The dictator was happy
He commanded a number of opponents to get beheaded

The dictator was sad
A few opponents’ heads fell on the ground

The dictator recalled his scientists:
“We must not fall behind technology
Can we computerize the execution system?

The dictator had become interested in Physics
“IF we double the shock troops, the counter force will be cut in half”

The dictator had philosophical questions….
Why doesn’t everyone think the way I do?

The dictator was a graduate in Logics
Whatever i say is true, it means it’s true

The dictator had become interested in drawing.
He took his pencil….
He drew himself in the shape of a sheep…modestly….
And people in the shape of grass