NUTCRANKR Out Now: Buy it for 45% Off This Weekend Only

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 41st book: NUTCRANKR by Dan Baltic. NUTCRANKR is a satirical novel examining social…

NUTCRANKR, April 2009: Nora’s Tudor Home

Prior to that fateful evening when Nora served Spencer an apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Spencer had enjoyed the bliss of…

Ignatius J. Reilly Goes to New York: An Interview with Dan Baltic

This Friday, Terror House Press will release its 41st book: NUTCRANKR by Dan Baltic, a novel exploring social atomization, fringe ideology, sexual…

NUTCRANKR, September 2019: From the Teat of Old Foucault

Spencer knew he had to act quickly if he hoped to complete a full gratification session before Tiny returned from the so-called yard. While Spencer’s…