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I am through a superb window—looking.
An angel of feeling awakes in me.
The dreamy oak-trees stand alway* leafless.
The native auspicious cue** is just large.
My scenery—the enchanted verdure.***
The moony old barn of Ted my dear nuncle.****
I am looking at a proud throng***** of crows.
They belong to the whiff of every times.
The springtide looks so meek-beauteous-fair,
first and foremost Morningstar—at night.
I daydream springwards window-view withal
of a dreamy Ovidian summer gale.
Homelike herbage that seems to bewitch all.
My cats want to enchant the fantasy.
Dreamed subtle morn withal notably.
* alway: always (archaic)
** cue: mood (archaic)
*** verdure: green
**** nuncle: uncle (archaic)
***** throng: bevy (archaic)
****** gale: wind (archaic)
Paweł Markiewicz was born in 1983 in Siemiatycze in Poland. He is a poet who lives in Bielsk Podlaski and writes tender poems and haikus as well as long poems.