“Halfway Between Los Angeles and San Francisco,” “Hope and Change,” “Waste Not, Want Not,” and Other Poems

Halfway Between Los Angeles and San Francisco A rooster signals the start of the day. Workers wearing sombreros and ball caps emerge from the…

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Part 3

It was my generation, after all, that had brought this about. It was we who were the food and sex addicts. My parents’ generation didn’t snack. They…

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Part 2

My parents had a lot of Jewish friends, and so did I. In fact, I was taken to school throughout my childhood in a carpool made up of Jewish kids. Our…

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Part 1

It was in March 1971 that the event occurred. I’d have to guess on the specific time and day. I’ll look into it and get back to you. That month in…

Nuance of Damage

I. Hope is faster than light, its speed beyond measure. It’s alive, today, but what about tomorrow? Easy come, easy… I need something to build up my…

“Domestic Violence,” “Depths of Disaffection,” “Buddy Buddy,” and Other Poems

Domestic Violence What an end. She’s stopped talking. She’s no longer responding. I don’t understand. I want To be understanding. Be polite, I say,…

Social Justice Warriors

The good professor eyes his neighbor’s dessert. He’d been quiet up to then, waiting for his order. He and his young wife are delighted when their…

“POTUS Interruptus,” “Bluff City,” “August Instead,” and Other Poems

POTUS Interruptus Donald J. Trump is often very good. What he is great at is being Donald Trump--- the only one we will ever have. When he dies, any…

Louche Empire

He sniffs his fingers and eyes the waiter. Our church has no bells. They call it virtue signaling, this thirst for recognition. What is this hunger?…

“Congratulations,” “On Finding a 19-Year-Old Woman’s Body in a Hotel Freezer,” “Declarations of Concern,” and Other Poems

Congratulations People have been trained to turn in their neighbors. It’s the mood of the country. Call 911 if you hear a crying baby. No one can…