White Letters

The clink and clatter of heavy china and silverware underlies a dull roar. Dozens of people talking: aunts and uncles, parents and grandparents,…

Dødningeknip, Part 2

Day 5: Sunday Detective Krauss surveys the scene. In full lighting, the inside of a strip club looks like absolute shit. Gaudy colors and dingy…

Dødningeknip, Part 1

Night 1: Wednesday Kai stops. Kai stares long and hard from his porch. There is a man, a white man, standing under a streetlight staring at his…

The Birds Sing at Night

LED lights; so different from the yellow orange street lights I grew up with. They are everywhere now. I feel as if I am in a different country.…


Then... The grimy floors of the convenience store never looked so white to Peary as when his blood seeped over them in liters. Peary was fighting for…


There is a fed on my screen. Every day, I see him spewing his screeds. Down here in the basement, I try to escape the “real” world. I bitch, my…


I walk an avenue in a tonier part of my Rust Belt city on a cold-as-shit March day. Pretty, professional gals walk past me. Hipster dudes,…