“Help,” “Cop,” and Untitled Haiku and Ku

Help Impatient to move, and pissed-off by some dope ahead of me trying to make a left turn into on-coming traffic, I pull out left lane to right---…

“Soup,” “Anal Warts,” and “No Poetry”

Soup “Holy shit,” I remark, “a lot of money for soup.” The glasses-wearing shaven- head guy behind the cash register asks “you want your money back?”…

Death in the Desert: A Review of Rhythm & Mucous by Mather Schneider

Rhythm & Mucous by Mather Schneider (Terror House Press, 2021) These poems are serious and playful; bitter and sweet: visceral poems, sometimes…

“Rhuck U 2,” “Dreaming,” “Subs,” and “Coach”

Rhuck U 2 My roommate had the bleeding eyes of a Jesus freak and a heavy rap I got tired of so moved to an empty room in the dorm down the hall next…

“Cards,” “Evil World,” and “Obviously”

Cards 2 kids on the sidewalk, the bigger one says “hey! You want to buy some flowers?” “Flowers?” I say. “No! Cards. Football and Baseball cards.”…