You’re on your back and I’m sucking your dick and the room is lit redpink

The cover of Loveless

Alexa, set Jessica to…50 Okay


The room is a lighter pink

Alexa, set Jessica* to warm Okay

I’m wearing a hair tie so my hair doesn’t get in the way of me blowing him


The room is orange

Alexa… set the Tiffany to blue Okay

An exasperated “Dude” but with a dick in my mouth

Alexa, set Tiffany to cyan Okay

Room like a celestial swamp

I bring my head up and I look around

Alexa turn off Tiffany Okay

Alexa set Tiffany to warm

You’re hot

You’re hot

Alexa set Tiffany to WARM Okay

Set the kitchen to 20-30 Okay

I can hear how wet my mouth is as I go up higher, lips tighter

Alexa set the kitchen to 40 Okay

That’s pretty hot

Alexa set the kitchen to 50 Okay

You’re hot as fuck


Drake plays

Oh man, oh man, not again

More sucking noises

Alexa, restart

Oh man, oh man, not again


* real life four-time Eskimo sister who I have yet to talk to