Hello. This is a full confession and a prerequisite for what’s to come. I am and will be leaking myself.

As you will see, the catacombs, the [REDACTED], the networks, the missing persons, the [REDACTED] all of it is true. You will see it’s as bad as you can imagine, worse than you might have. It really happened, I, we, did it all. And it’s happening still. The conspiracies only pucker the surface. These pics will say a thousand words for “no” and the videos will, perhaps, confound your speech and shatter your worldview, especially if you are someone who has lived in denial of the existence of Hell and possession and sacrifice, ignorant as to what real power is all about and what lies beating within its heart.

Here it is. By the time I’m done and it’s all done you’ll realize why I’m doing this now. You will see the divine purpose. You will know the devastating humiliation of Godliness. You will know the love of a parasite is beyond measure. Tears will crawl across your face as you witness the metamorphosis of yourself into a sacred new world order.

Look at me. Look at me and you’ll see. Watch. Realize.

I know you already know who I am. Or think you do. And you think you know me because I have made myself known to your thinking. I presented you with thoughts of me. I got your attention and held it like a razor to your throat. I gave you something you could idolize and on which you could project your hopes and fears. I cultivated belief in my personality, a fanaticism over my promises. I engineered a mythos. I hijacked your religious impulse. You wanted me to be me for you and I knew instinctively how I could take advantage of that. I consumed your trust and used your good nature against you. I crushed any who opposed me and I got you to crush yourselves by confusing the outside with the inside, your selves with others. I confused. This is the nature of psychic autoimmunity and it is triggered by narratological means. I just knew this.

I understood the power of narrative over fact. I did not shrink from the facts of life: I grew into them. I spread my influence. I offered hope.

I needed my dreams to come true so I infected the dreams of untold thousands with my memes. I just did. I was virile with virality. I was compelled to see the whole world in my image and to make that image larger than the frame, stronger than the eye; make it a mirror and let me be the idol of my own worship. I was born to be the most famous man who ever lived. I made daily deposits to various sperm banks and setup hybridization labs and breeding farms around the globe. I felt the gospel of me must be carried in all its forms. I was insatiable. I just did. I needed. I craved need. I needed cravings. I was urged by a Satyrical entelechy. I was what jaws hinged on. I had a lust for life’s life. I throttled and spewed.

I replicated.

And I bored easily. I needed stimulation. I needed to know what I needed to know and where curiosity meets ambition cruelty blooms. Inspired by the caprices of curiosity, I performed random feats of startling ingenuity with clinical detachment. I was an artist of skin, a mad scientist of spirit, a social engineer who designed troughs for the Fallen in the [REDACTED] I was a Minotaur, a vampire, a living stress theory with an innate genius for getting what I wanted into my body—and for getting what I wanted out of my body and those of others. I was born to do these things. My body: the world. And that would never be enough either.

My moods could not be predicted. Terrifying father, horrific husband, frightening son. Naturally, I was a people person. Born fundraiser, social climber, extortionist, I oozed charm that triggered flares of oxytocin that seared the flesh off reason. This ooze insulated me, lubricated my existence. I made love with hate and so unmade love by making it hate itself. I hollowed out hosts, executed every emotional hostage I held. I took prisoners.

I understand this is all very vague and general.

Enclosed are some specifics.

See me? There I am, over and over, again and again. I did my very worst. Could you do better?

I now see it all as God does. I saw how God realizes reality. I realized God realizing the extremities of the other. “I” know now that “I” is how God speaks in the third person. I am God realized, the realization of reality. God’s reality has been incorporated in my body and that is what I am now offering. Communion. Incorporation. Amazing Grace. The body must be broken.

It was a Metanoia. It happened. It’s happening still. A true miracle. An Advent. I was bitten by what I had eaten of, given unto what I had taken advantage of, consumed by what I had consummated.

All because I saw myself in the mirror. The mirrors. The selves. The fragments of imagination, shards of dissociation. I was caught by an apocalyptic glimpse which restored primal sight. When the eye is single the whole body is full of light.

I saw myself in the mirrors as I did what I was doing. I saw all of us, unmaking love. I saw a legion of fiends mutilating the spirit, frolicking in the ruins of innocence, ravening on weakness, siphoning the power of transgression, destroying limits and difference and boundaries and hence de-meaning and de-forming the world in-formation, control freaks needing to direct that process into their own personal increasement. But I glimpsed behind the masks, the personalities, the merely contingent. I realized what realized the parasitic reality of these freaks of nature, these aberrations that labored but for the guts of devils, cooking soulless food for ghouls. I saw why. I saw it all as only God can.

I left my body and became the mirrors, reflecting the scene, the altar, the [REDACTED].

Then I took off my literal mask and looked. How humiliating! Life was all so humiliating in its living. I began to laugh. You’ll see it. And your laughter will cause eggs to hatch.


Then I started to record what we did. I tapped phones. I made lists of names. I gave coordinates to the Troughs. I filled hard drives with the evidence of our damnation. You’ll see how we’re all connected. You’ll know the whole story and become a new character within it.

By the time they find out what I’ve done, it’ll be too late. I’ll already be in them too, my memories forming them anew.



All this to say: I love you all. My sacrifice will immanentize our collective apotheosis. We will be one shared tongue at last, one that may speak the Word that will destroy History so that we can live in total meaning beyond sense, where the map is the territory. Rapture.

We’re in this together and I’ll be in you all together, re-membering us all for God’s Kingdom. I am so grateful it is going to end like this. This is just the humbling beginning.

All you need is Love.

* )

Wikileaks published this confession and its supporting evidence upon receipt. A subsequent tsunami of babble surged and the result was a natural PR disaster and a cultural inundation of outrage, speculation, defamation, opinion, and memes amidst political fallout, denial, recusal, legal action, and what-aboutism. It was a media ravening.

Predictably, preexisting tribal affiliation sclerotized through feedback loops as the faithful compulsively glutted themselves on the daily regurgitations that overflowed from their favored information troughs with religious esurience. General undefined but undeniable weirdness increased as the connections being made densified and as their disavowal intensified. Perhaps local spacetime was twisting around a discursive distaff rippling with manic gravitation.

This is the biggest scandal in American history!

This is all a hoax by foreign agents trying to interfere in the electoral process and undermine Democracy.

Why are we being censored like this?

Free speech can hurt people. You don’t yell fire in a crowded theater.

Trust the plan. The Patriots are in control. These shortages are fake. JFK Jr has control of USNORCOM. Let’s roll.

I literally cannot believe people actually believe any of this.

The videos! The pics! I mean just look! Look! Those are literally demons.

More “there’s fluoride in the water!” lunacy. Am. Done.

The Pope officially condemns his heretical notions of God.

This is just what happens under Late Capitalism.

I can’t even believe we’re living through this level of propaganda and that people are buying it, and worse, defending it.

Have you not seen the Lidar images from Truth United? How do you explain that away?

She’s been entirely debunked.

Anti-vax scum. Do we still need to deal with these people civilly?

I’ve been saying this for years. Hate to say I told you so but…

Of course she just hanged herself and the video cameras were out of order.

These protests are what this country is all about.

Everything’s been weaponized.

All “evidence” are clearly deep fakes, thankfully scrubbed from the Internet now. Wikileaks has been shut down and the ‘manifesto’ redacted to protect the innocent from this blood libel. This is nothing short of a failed informational coup.

Idiots, listen: conspiracies cannot exist for the very simple reason that no one can keep a secret.

We’ve been witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth in American history.

This whole Category 5 hurricane of scandal and the various shitstorms it has spun off is all about our discourse, our word data. An AI is gathering all this and will use it for predictive programming and pre-crime. This is a cybernetic experiment on a scale I only dreamed of.

We just have to vote harder than ever.

Burn it all down. I don’t even care anymore.

Just wait till the UFOs show up.

I think some people should be forced to take psychiatric meds or else not be allowed in the general population. It only makes sense at this point.

This never actually happened. CERN is creating a Mandela effect, effectively implanting memories of these people who never actually existed. We must blow it up.

Are you kidding me? A “gag order” because of an ongoing investigation?

This country is so unbelievably fucked.

Correlation is not causation, folks. If people were more statistically literate, we’d all be better off.

God help us from these wankpuffins. I’m moving to Canada.

Vote your way in, gotta shoot your way out. So of course they want our guns.

I lived through the Satanic Panic. Beyond disgusted that here we are again, Satanic Panic 2.0.

They always need a Bogeyman to blame. The Playbook has worked this long, why stop.

I’ve lost many friends since this began and am willing to lose more.

These are riots. These people are terrorists. Period.

I assume everything is a false flag until proven otherwise.

Um, no, “local spacetime is not twisting around a discursive distaff rippling with manic gravitation.” I get angry just reading stuff like that.

We got to vote harder than ever.

Of course corporate media is shilling on the side of their paymasters.

He had a clown fetish! What more do you need to know?!


This is cosmic in scope. The Earth is being prepared for an invasion by silicon-based lifeforms.

I’ve never been so lost and alone.

They are just trying to cover their own asses.

Just more psycho God babble by a verified psycho. Nothing coherent, logical. Makes no sense if you actually read it. Crazy people sound just like this. I don’t see what’s so hard to understand.

Wake up people! Read her diary! The timeline is exact.

Russia must be stopped at all costs. I’ve never been more sure.

I can’t even talk to my family anymore. You all are my family now.

He was “suicided” to send a message. This is obviously a fake version of a very real manifesto which the FBI sold to China. Why would anyone trust Wikileaks.

Don’t things just feel weirder than ever? Can’t you just feel it?

We have to do something.

We must do something.


More were silent, speechless, unsure of everything, without tribe or country.

“Slenderman Syndrome” and “Quixote Syndrome” and vaguer renderings of subjectivity soon entered the DSM. Clown sightings proliferated in gated communities. Account managers had to account for entire weeks they could not account for. Fires at meat-processing facilities left all organic material intact, destroying only the infrastructure. Glossolalia outbreaks at call centers led to manslaughter convictions in three separate cases. Somnambulism amongst real estate agents garnered little attention at first. Internet/cable installers had to be monitored closely, eye-contact avoided.

All this apparent weirdness could be reasonably explained, easily, rationally explained; all that was needed was a little more scientific information and then the answer as to why birds had begun flying into cars and why all the plants were doing what they were doing could be easily, very rationally explained; indeed, everything would return to normal, official reality restored, just as soon as control could be authorized, information corralled, leaks stopped, trolls silenced. This would all go away if people just stopped listening to fake news and started trusting public officials who needed the power to do what must be done. If democracy was to stand, only certain experts could be allowed to opine in public. Too much was at stake. The future of the Republic rested on epistemological fault lines. The border of true and false must be protected.

And so the words of his confession were carried in the effluvial medium of epistemological crisis. His vision was the Eye of the bot swarm, a plague whose time had come.

* )

His body was found in the water tower by a city water service technician who was forced to sign a number of documents without an attorney present. Strangely, the body had not sunk, but instead strangely floated, suspended upright in the water to the waist, its smile, likewise at 90 degrees, at short remove, both spinning slowly, counter-clockwise.

A large man in a clown costume, his face removed, hieroglyphic markings carved into his entire body, glass embedded in his gums from where he apparently crushed a series of vials (contents later classified), is what the technician saw, what sprayed him from a fake flower as he fumbled for his cellphone and dropped it, only to watch it slowly dissemble itself.

* )

But then one day it happens. And no conjecture can contain its precedent.