Latest Submissions

Revenge on a Platter, Part 1: Vengeance is a Woman Best Fucked Like a Crackerjack

I. I squinted, letting my eyes adjust to the dim light of the dingy dive bar. It figured this was where I’d find them. Vermin in the city’s…

“Mammoth Carcass,” “An Ode to the Deadness That Sits on My Head,” and “A Revolution in Self-Perception a.k.a. the Feminine Urge”

Mammoth Carcass All I got is irk like a mammoth carcass unearthed in the soviet tundra hiding vex in tar, heeding deep time’s damn. An ode to the…

Fremont Sour Soil, Part 1

I. As Norm Bellaire left the local coffee shop, he ordered a “latte to go” from his favorite barista, Tina Morado. She was an athletic woman, younger…

Sonnet About Apollonian Beauty of the World

We think of the fascinating charm. We fantasize about wizardry. We ponder on the amazing bard. We reflect on poetic beauty. We muse about astonishing…


Reinhardt, also a bodybuilding enthusiast, posed in front of the mirrors for longer than necessary, she noted, as she did her squats. He could see…

“The Podcast Poet,” “Dream with Johnny Depp and Quicksand,” “Old Boats,” and Other Poems

The Podcast Poet The worst thing about this super slick poet on the podcast with his good looks and slim physique and 50-dollar hairdo is not that…


The world’s record for a surviving premature baby came into the world at about 4.5 months early. Jackson Hillbrand broke that record when he was born…

Reptile Lust, Part 3

I looked out the window at the passing neighborhood of big homes and big yards where Sally's grandparents lived and wondered if Jack was out there.…

The Tiger, Part 2

III. The closest any of the names on Fierro’s list of investors came to suggesting underworld connections was Dominick Ruggiero, a fence known to…

A Kiss in the Gaslight

I stand under the gas lamp, pulling the scarlet shawl tighter to keep the early November cold out, failing miserably. Business has been slow tonight…