Latest Submissions

“History Abhors a Vacuum,” “The Indignities of Serfdom,” and “Phi Beta Crapper”

History Abhors a Vacuum Goebbels, Göring, Bormann, Speer, and Himmler used to meet at Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a cute little café in Berlin’s Anhalter…

Ruins XI ii

I go into the bathroom to take a leak and instead piss down the laundry chute, something I’ve done at least three times this evening. Walking out of…


She did not like dark rain, the scent of snow, the heavy curtains blocking day's light. She wanted open windows. Freshness, the breath of God and…

Luminaria, Chapter 4: Wrong Turn — Lilly, Part 2

At the precinct, I figured I would sort it out. But when we arrived, no one would pay attention to anything I said. I was fingerprinted,…

The Mandalorian: A Great Adventure

With the hilariously flawed and downright disappointing sequel trilogy already forgotten, the Star Wars franchise needed to prove itself worthy of…

Wolf’s Daughter, Part 1

I: A.D. 1050 “Give me a sword and shield, Father. I’m ready to go raiding.” Reanna the Red was her nickname, due to her fiery red hair, but her true…

Passenger Pigeons

Come fall, all the teens are taken out of school to help with the Passenger Pigeon hunt. It starts with a Monday morning parade down Elm Street.…

The Age of Crows: Glorious Yongqui, Part 1

I. Hail to you, Prince Li! I Greet You in the name of His Most Illustrious and Sublime Majesty, the Emperor Xing He! By His Endless Mercy and…

Pink Antifreeze

The sky a pink antifreeze. You and me in the Terminal Zone. Zero Point. Underground parking garages. Subterranean environments. The police apparatus…

Hell is a Place on Earth

Eli was excited. He was excited, and he was alone in his bedroom watching a livestream. The stream wasn't on any sort of corporate media site. The…