Latest Submissions

The Tree of Liberty

“Are you sure you’ve never had an abortion?” His manner was neutral; I couldn’t find a trace of judgment as I stirred in the stirrups. A real…

Help Behind the Counter

Down on Main Street, the sun began to hide behind the buildings as cars flooded the streets, each trying to beat the other for a good parking spot.…

A Waking Nightmare

"Life is more like wrestling than dancing." --- Antoninus, vii. 61. Jared had always been a strange man. Not in a bad way, mind you: just a curious…

Vigiles Urbani

“>Significant increase in target activity in the last 24 hours. >significant increase in scrutiny from local authorities. Requesting…

6 to 6: God Didn’t Get Me No Weed

Me and Little John were sitting at the Greyhound bus station behind the wheels of our taxicabs. We were toward the end of the cab queue and wouldn't…

Who Am I?, Part 2

VI. A couple of days later, Kevin called Nick Williams. He informed him that the gun was used to shoot the lock off of a safe at McDonald’s, in a…

Much Too Awful

Janice looked around. The restaurant seemed like quite a pleasant place, at least at a glance. She hadn't been there yet. “Looks nice, you'll like…


“It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream---making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that…

Life is a Game of Hazards

“Look,” he said out loud while nobody was watching us. We were sitting on a park bench covered with trees. The wind was slower than ever and the…

“Multi-Cultural Awareness,” “The State of Maybe,” “Bumpkin in Overalls,” and “Tokyo Rose Lives”

Multi-Cultural Awareness In Japan, the Japanese write poems about Japan. There’s no mention of the universal. Japanese poets write Japanese poems…