Latest Submissions


In the early morning, he ambles down the side street out from behind his apartment and around the corner near the bodega where he buys his morning…

Eugene and Robinson

Eugene Rose, the future Seraphim, met Robinson Jeffers on the beach south of Carmel one clear and still day in 1960…no, that won’t work. Real figures…

The Pilgrim’s Redux

This story takes five years before The Pilgrim’s Digress. You can purchase the book from Terror House Press here. *** “Sir, did you forget your…

“Moon in the Night,” “The Day I Got Drunk,” and “The Beauty of God”

Moon in the Night Oh night, how I dread to be wrapped By your inevitable black blanket, plaiting Broth feelings of fear in me. & as a tender……

Happy Halloween

There was a chill in the air. Autumn had arrived, swirling leaves from the trees and lifting the smell of the soil towards me as I walked past the…

“Science in Death” and “Medicated”

Science in Death My father was a physicist. “Once you’re dead, you’re dead.” He died three years ago, with a DNR. For all his failings, he was my…

Unforgotten, Part 3

III. Dale is lifting his shoulders excessively as he speaks, “I know it was her; I was on the beach and I happened to look up at the pier. She was…

The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom Out Now: Buy it for 40% Off This Weekend Only

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 32nd book: The Legend of Forenia: The Twilight Kingdom by T.J. Martinell. The Legend of…

Someone Else’s God

An Iron Chef medallion replica goes for about a hundred bucks, or did in 2011, and the chef’s jacket with the embroidered logo was another hundred.…

Cheap House

“Let’s just bend the corners of the roof a little more,” Mauve suggested as they were stealing another house. “Otherwise, we’ll never get it out of…