Latest Submissions

“After School,” “From Then Until Now,” “Cronies,” and “A Class Called Poetry 101”

After School In the afternoon, when our class let out and the last sniffling little girl, and bullying overgrown boy had left, I would stay at my…

Three Pioneers: Adventures of a Theoretical Fraud, Part 2

You know---you are a journalist. Great stuff, this journalism. I read most of your pieces: you always were honest. And when you asked for an…

Terror House Radio, Episode #73: Prosecutorial Misconduct

On this episode of Terror House Radio, Matt Forney and Bryden Proctor discuss literature, philosophy, film, music, and more. The show will air live…

But Only Darkness Loves Me

Blackwood sits at the edge of Pendle township, waiting. Some forests wait for loggers, some wait for the breaking of clouds followed by the warm…


When Carter got to work on Monday, he decided that now was the time to barricade himself inside his cubicle once and for all. For weeks, he had…

The Passion of the Sambo Catamite

Jamacican’s ponderous black belly slapped hard against her pale white freckled FUPA. Sweating, he gazed into Jana’s blue eyes, seeing, straining,…

The Note the Shooter Left Behind (God-Given)

God gave me this agony To bring me nearer to Him God silenced the cacophony And sent a righteous hymn Satan gave me this pleasure To distract me from…

He Knew Them All: A Literary History

The old man who opened the door had about him a faint musty smell, like a book taken from a damp, subterranean library shelf. “So, are you the guy…

“Girls Leaning into Cars with an Alternative Gravity,” “Army Surplus,” “They Cut Her Trees Down,” and “Inside the Halls of the Scarborough Court of Justice”

Girls Leaning into Cars with an Alternative Gravity There’s spit all over the pavement like human confetti. Girls leaning into cars with an…

Lunar Lament

Artwork by Amy Bassin At night, the wind blows without great force, but the slight, constant breeze makes it necessary for her to wear the cloth…