Latest Submissions

“Holiday Spirit,” “My Neighborhood Capitalist,” “Poem to the Man Idling in His Car Getting Yelled at by His Woman,” and Other Poems

holiday spirit amazing ass naked on her hands and knees on her unkempt bed writhing clutching untangled christmas lights amazing ass illuminated by…

The Other You

They were in the spaceship together. Flying to the new world. It was years away. But they were getting closer every day. In their second year, she…

Sweet Lollipop

A young man from the Fuentecillas neighborhood He has drawn a lollipop In the metal closure of a candy store That I have seen him. When opening the…

The Stray

“It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream---making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that…

“Ketchup” and “Not Good Enough”

ketchup one of the first counsellors I saw told me that he dated a page 3 girl / he got frustrated with my apparent lack of progress / told me that…

Three Pioneers: Adventures of a Theoretical Fraud, Part 1

Our region’s intellectual life in the spotlight! (This interview was carried out at an undisclosed location. It has been decided the informant’s name…

Terror House Radio, Episode #72: The C*ck of Prometheus

On this episode of Terror House Radio, Matt Forney and Bryden Proctor discuss literature, philosophy, film, music, and more. The show will air live…


I have always been strangely fascinated with fingernails. From the very beginning, my first erotic memories were of my mother clipping my nails as a…

Integrity of Foxholes

The battle was still raging when all the atheists were ordered out of the foxholes and sent home. “With every fiber in my body, I shall fight to…

A Shitty Fucking Poem I Didn’t Write Called “Erotony”

She’d given good head, so it made sense to remove her teeth This way, too, she’d always be honest---never bite her tongue The shocks of blue flanking…